RescueStat, LLC

Meridian,  ID 
United States
  • Booth: 2381

Automated external defibrillator services: program management, remote monitoring, subscription services, training

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  • AED Program Management
    Keep your organization compliant with AED site recommendations, medical direction certificate, event review, AED law center and more. ApolloPM makes managing AEDs simple....

  • AED Remote Monitoring
    Take the guesswork out of your AED monitoring, reduce costs and scale your program. ScoutRMS remotely monitors your AED and if your device is missing, ensuring it is always ready....

  • Mobile AED Management & Monitoring
    Mobile AEDs are the toughest to manage. Our best practice combination of ApolloPM and ScoutRMS MINI helps prevent mis-management of mobile AEDs....

  • Virtual CPR/AED Training Courses
    CPR/AED training is quick, easy and crucial for saving lives. Our virtual training solution offers a variety of online and blended-learning courses....