Premier Factory Safety

Shelby Township,  MI 
United States
  • Booth: 4343

Visually Engineered, Machine Specific Occupational Health & Safety Signage. Includes but not limited to: Arc Flash | Confined Space | Evacuation | Lockout Tagout | Personal Protective Equipment | Preventive Maintenance | Safety Services | Safety Signs | Safety Visuals


  • Lockout Tagout Placards
    Machine Specific Lockout Tagout placards at the machine level. Easily identifiable tags designate energy points. Very durable, 10 year warranty, highly visible....

  • Premier's lockout tagout system goes beyond the OSHA standard. Every lockout procedure includes the following...

    • Exact procedures for releasing, locking out and verifying zero energy for every source.
    • Machine specific information including machine name, description, serial number and location.
    • Plan-view drawing of the machine.
    • All energy sources identified on the graphic for easy locating.
    • A "You are here" is identified on the graphic making it easy to orient yourself and locate all energy sources quickly.
    • Unique identifier for the overall procedure using a barcode.
    • Physical tags hung on or near each energy source making them stand out.
    • Company specific lockout notification policy.
    • A set of highly durable, best in class placards for each machine.
  • ARC Flash
    ​Premier is able to provide an arc flash survey of electrical substations and electrical drops greater than 50 volts to comply with NFPA70E standards and to determine specific criteria and controls for safe electrical work practices....

  • Our NFPA 70E visual signage is developed for each location where arc flash and shock hazards are likely to be present. The NFPA 70E placards include technical information, PPE requirements, lockout protocols, and other safety procedures required to comply with OSHA and NFPA requirements.

    An arc flash can result in temperatures up to 35,000 degrees fahrenheit. This is four times hotter than the surface of the sun and can result in fatal burns up to five feet from the arc, and severe burns at distances up to ten feet away. Arc flash blasts can create pressure waves that can damage hearing and cause a concussion resulting in memory loss.

  • Evacuation
    Premier's engineers can perform an on-site survey of your facility to gather the required information for producing your evacuation plans. Alternatively, if accurate site-layout drawings are available they can be used instead....

  • In cooperation with your plant safety personnel, Premier Factory Safety will generate complete custom evacuation plans based upon information obtained from your organization, taking into consideration a variety of emergency conditions. Evacuation plan placards can be produced in a number of different formats and installed in pre-designated locations throughout your facility. Evacuation plan placards can be color coordinated and sectioned into different zones each having a custom evacuation plan.