Audition Technology

Pittsburgh,  PA 
United States
  • Booth: 4455

For Hearing Health and Safety - at work and outside work.

Audition Technology provides Education, Training and Technology to enhance Hearing Safety and Health - both on and off the job

Self-managed care guided by the new over-the-counter (OTC) Hearing Aid FDA Rule (08/22) + OSHA, MSHA, NIOSH, EPA principles advances Hearing Safety and Health Program. Addressing individual needs and enabling self-care, while maintaining privacy and confidentiality, have a positive effect on worker engagement, satisfaction and productivity. This helps to reduce work-related injury, illness and costs. 

ATLAS Education and Training for workplace and community: Adds to OSHA and NIOSH Occupational Noise Exposure directives; customized for your company needs

ATLAS Resonate SafeListen App & eTool for self-guided safe listening and protection: dB + Safe Listen Times (per NIOSH) for environment + headphone sounds throughout the day, self-analyzing personal risks, hazards and self-implementating protection 

ATLAS OTC: Hearing Aid, ePortal for self-identifying and self-treating Mild-Moderate hearing loss early self-recognition, self-treatment with affordable hearing aids with no prescription or fitting

Brands: (1) ATLAS Hearing Safety & Health Education & Training (2) ATLAS Resonate Safe Listen App & eTool (3) ATLAS OTC Hearing Aid & ePortal

 Press Releases

  • Following finalization of FDA Rule on OTC Hearing Aids, Pittsburgh-based Audition Technology was interviewed by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the company's OTC Hearing Aids (in development), Safe Listen App and ePortal for self-learning were showcased

    Aug 17, 2022  : Pittsburgh-area businesses and experts gear up for over-the-counter hearing aids

    Aug 28, 2022 : I have hearing loss. The new over-the-counter hearing aids won’t work for me but may be transformative for others.


  • ATLAS Safe-Listen App
    To check environment and headphone dBs with corresponding safe listen times, daily/weekly dosimetry (per NIOSH98-126) to make safe listening choices on and off the work....

  • ​Safe Listen App designed to self-check and self-direct safe listening throughout the day per work and lifestyle needs:

    • For environment and headphone sounds using phone
    • Spot-check, log sound decibel (dB)
    • Instantly see safe listen time estimates for the dB
    • Check daily and weekly histories of your actual noise vs allowed noise dose
    • Plan activities you enjoy
    • Create your personal dashboard 

    Use of App is private and decided by the user.

    Calculations, Testing: OSHA, NIOSH, FDA standards
    Privacy protection: No personal identifiers, other than dB, are collected. Data stored in phone and deleted by the user.

    iOS available, Android in development


  • ATLAS eTool for Hearing Health
    Learn about hearing essentials, risks and hazards, early symptoms and take practical steps to self-manage and build own hearing conservation program - both on and off the job...

  • eTool with 6 interactive sections that can be reviewed and re-assessed as needed by the user. Integrates relevant directives from OSHA, NIOSH, FDA, NIH. DoD.

    Essentials: Learn about daily noises, in and outside work, and  its effects

    Profile:: Self-analyze personal hearing risks/hazards, auditory and non-auditory health impacts, lifestyle needs and preferences 

    Protect: Adopt regular practices to manage harmful effects, selection and proper use of protection devices and other technology

    Symptoms: Self-identify signs and symptoms, decide  when to self-treat or seek hearing professional consult 

    Monitor: Self-monitor hearing and health effects, build safe listening practices and habits, advocate for personal hearing needs

    Technology: To support daily safe hearing practices

    The eTool is designed for self-care with ease and flexibility of use, ensures privacy and confidentiality, and encourages habits and decision-making for improving Quality of Life as, productivity as well as enhance workplace safety and health.  


  • ATLAS Hearing Safety Training
    Hearing Safety Training based on OSHA, NIOSH and FDA directives with added emphasis on self-managed care both on and off the job - for enhance hearing health and safety culture at work...

  • FDA's Final OTC Hearing Aid Rule (Aug 2022) adds to (i) OSHA 1910.95: Occupational Noise Exposure, (ii) OSHA 3885-Practices for Safety and Health programs (iii) NIOSH 98-126: Occupational Noise Exposure and (iv) NIOSH Total Worker Health programs. It highlights the importance of  worker enagagement, education for awareness of hearing self-care both on and off the job, The future of hearing safety training improves hearing and overall health that extends to increased productivity in a cost-effective manner.

    For Safety Professionals: 

    • Enhance hearing health and safety culture at work 
    • Add to Occupational Hearing Safety Training & Hearing Conservation Program 

    For Community Organizers:

    • Promote hearing wellness in the community
    • Learn about enjoyment of  lifestyle activities while managing hearing risk 
