
United Kingdom
  • Booth: 1967


  • Bodytrak Incident Management Platform
    Real-time alerts via the Dashboard
    Alert notifications via email and text
    Configurability to customize alert thresholds
    Incident reporting
    Automated report insights
    Secure and 100% compliant with industry standard...

  • The Bodytrak Platform contains several proprietary software algorithms that include: core body temperature (CBT), physiological strain index (PSI), heart rate (HR), fatigue and man down to detect any early changes to the worker’s physiological responses to the environment and workplace stressors.


    Alongside real-time monitoring, geolocation, geofencing and SOS alert are features on the Bodytrak device that add another level to safeguard teams. Whenever an alert is generated, Bodytrak can instantly identify where the user is located whether they are indoors or outdoors, allowing rapid assistance to be deployed. Similarly, the SOS alert is a simple user-activated alarm that is triggered on the dashboard and via SMS and email when urgent support is required. 

  • Bodytrak Earpiece & Communications Pack
    Multiple physiological health markers
    8+ hours of battery life
    Integrated Wi-Fi and cellular data communications
    Bluetooth® compatibility
    Audio prompt alerts
    Ambient hearing via Hear:Thru™ earbuds
    Hearing protection via Hear:Safe™ earbuds...

  • Designed with usability and comfort as a focus, Bodytrak is the only non-invasive product of its kind on the market. Due to its proximity to the hypothalamus (the temperature control centre of the body), and since the eardrum receives its blood supply from the carotid artery, the ear is an excellent site to measure core body temperature and heart rate. As a result, Bodytrak is extremely effective and accurate for industrial use, shifting away from the wrist and other skin-based sites used by other wearable solutions. The connected communications pack has a smaller footprint and is lighter than a regular smartphone, and can be conveniently clipped to a belt, ensuring overall comfort and wearability.
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